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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Alexei Kapterev

Thanks, Alexei! Thought-provoking as usual, and speaking of a meaningful life...

I wonder, is there an organization, or institution, that studies nationalism and Nazism in all seriousness, beyond "we condemn it and never speak of it in the polite society, so any tyrant can claim the neighboring country is Nazi because no one can define Nazism"?

I cannot help but think this monster emerges too often and too systematically to be a fluke, and I don't believe in Satan so blaming him won't work. I've been wary of "Pamyat'" as a teenager in 1980s, I've been scared of RNE in 1990s, I've been appalled by skinheads in 2000s and by Trumpists in late 2010s, and I'm terrified now to see both my own compatriots' hatred towards "the West" (not Ukrainians, no sir - they aren't even worth their hatred, they're just "a failed state", nothing more than pests) and the retaliatory hatred against Russians.

I mean, we'll need to un-teach hatred to millions of people when this war is over, so - I guess someone has to research the how, and do it openly, without all this "super secret state secrets" crap. And I guess every little bit would help - so, I want to contribute. And probably find another meaning for myself, to speak of it :)

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